Saturday, November 9, 2019

“Go Home!” Orbit the thrills of Baseball

Baseball – one of the most enticing games aired on television or even watched on an arena (Thomas & Hall, 2004). What could have been the thrills and the grills being offered by such game that it has continuously captured the hearts and the beats of those who have the â€Å"it† on sports? What makes it distinctive from other sport? Why not chose indoor games for efficient viewing and playing? Why do players risk their lives over the sturdiness of the bat and that round piece of hard material? Which is most likely to give them scars and hit them in the most fragile part?And most of all – what’s with going â€Å"home†, that all seem to fasten their seatbelt for every player which takes the run for that square realm (Young, 2007)? The answer is sought between the lines of the art and the adventure of the game mixed with a feeling of hysteria taking the audience to a whole new dimension called ‘adrenalin rush’. Why do we love baseball? It i s quite rigid to put into words the perfect and precise definition of a certain sport which caters almost the entirety of a fan.An individual’s fondness of such sport is considerably taken to be like an addiction which tends to make one forget the atmosphere a person is on to given the fact that according to psychological explanations, an individual’s enthusiasm for a certain material, event or person, creates a stable visual image which apt to trigger the person’s cognitive side making one’s self have the feeling of attachment to the one being idolized (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006).Being a player, and being a member Branch Rickey, a baseball almanac feature icon (Young, 2007), once stated a conducive line with regards to baseball stating that it is only in the field of baseball sphere that a player is able to fulfill its essence of individualism at the initial part, and a team player after playing across the line of the rules as well as with the gameâ€⠄¢s spirit.Further, baseball analysts found the game the sole representation of the simplicity of sports, and that is for a player to only follow the rules. Unlike all the other complicated sport which has been established, baseball is the only sport by which argumentative perspectives are not given credit onto, for the reason that the life of the game lie on the ‘calls’ of the umpire and the guidelines of such (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006).Baseball tools as armors in the game There are four basic tools considered in the game that would be the component of the bat, ball, mitt and the field which requires every player for the familiarity of each item. Considered as an offensive tool, the bat, which is usually made of aluminum or of wood, actually dependent on the certain game, is characterized as a stick particularly with a diameter of 2 inches exception of its handle ranging about 1 inch in length.The ‘runner’s fear’ when inside the field, the ball, us ually in a size like of that of an average man’s fist conceivably colored in white with red stitches (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006). Furthermore, the glove, which is described in modern idiom as that of a baker’s, deemed as a defensive tool which is ended through leather intended for the â€Å"fielders† to catch the ball and â€Å"hit† on home-running opponents. And finally, the filed, the immortal â€Å"diamond† catering four â€Å"bases† or â€Å"plates†, guarded and sought by players.The considered â€Å"guards† of each ‘diamond’ inside the ‘diamond’ are called â€Å"infielders† while those outside the boundaries of the diamond are called â€Å"outfielders† (Thomas & Hall, 2004). Must-know as a player This adrenalin-rushing roller coaster ride game is played by two teams, taking turns as the â€Å"offensive† and â€Å"defensive† party. Each team are to aim for â€Å"runsâ⠂¬ , with 9 or 10 players shifting turns, as they strive to complete counter-clockwise tour in the four bases (Young, 2007).But one must take note of the risk in the mentioned tour, it does not only require one â€Å"mere walking†, there will be â€Å"opponents† whose only goal is to catch the ball â€Å"hit† by the â€Å"batter† and hit it on bases, or either pass on the the â€Å"pitcher†, defined as the â€Å"king of the defensive team†, for the reason that, he must see to it that the ball is aimed to their team’s â€Å"catcher† situated behind the opponent’s â€Å"batter† so as to call for a â€Å"strike†. The dreadful â€Å"strike†, takes a â€Å"batter† get a chance to get a gist for a homerun and thus after 3 â€Å"strikes† shall be considered â€Å"OUT† and won’t be able to make that tour in the diamond.Like all the other sport, there are also certain techniques l aid on the table so as to prevent from getting â€Å"strikes† or getting â€Å"it† by â€Å"fielders†. Modus operandi on baseball A popular technique for offensive players, specifically the batter, is to trick the pitcher from where the bat is lined to, so as to get a full blast of the hit. For fielders, waiting for a run however, since that they are given the chance to leave the â€Å"base† if the ball is released, may trick the opponent to make-believe that they are about to run, thus confuse the fielders on which base to are to settle (Staff, 2005).Regardless of how complicated the web of techniques baseball has to offer, a player only needs to remember one thing, and that is to go for a homerun without getting caught in between. On the contrary, the defensive team, being on the crucial side of the â€Å"inning† may as well send implicit collaborated messages, through the pitcher and the fielders, most especially the catcher, so as to hit the ba ll to the â€Å"active† opponent positioned on the plates. Don’t let the batter go for a tourFive common ways to out an offensive player are as follows: strike-out (3 strikes, so the batter won’t be a runner), ground-out (batter hits the ball, but pitcher gets the ball right after it is hit), force-out (when a runner tries to steal an advance run to the next base and the fielder catches the ball before the runner steps on the plate), fly-out (a fielder catches the ball after it had been hit) and tag-out (fielder touches a runner with a held ball).There are various methods in order to click on the game and win it all actually depends on each player’s wit in playing and team-spirit without selfish credence (Cramer & Stout, 2004; Young, 2007). Conclusion The only effective and practical secret on to winning the game is through following the rules and loving the game.Individual skills are indeed important to reach the height of success, but what takes much in the spirit of the match is not on what one will gain over one’s effort, sometimes, the most important part of it isn’t the victory garnered in fame or in price, but the experience and the moment shared with all the other members who fulfilled the joy of the team (Young, 2007), and most persistently, it’s completing baseball fanatics’ dream of taking an exhilarating fun ride watching their stars making homeruns.So, fasten your seatbelts, prepare your yells, it’s all you need to stay alive while experiencing the thrill of a baseball game. References: Cramer, R. B. , & Stout, G. (2004). The Best American Sports Writing 2004 (Reprint ed. ). New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Formosa, D. , & Hamburger, P. (2006). Baseball Field Guide: An In-Depth Illustrated Guide to the Complete Rules of Baseball. New York: Thunder's Mouth PressStaff, S. P. I. (2005). The unwritten rules of sports — in writing (Publication. Retrieved July 11, 2007, from seattl epi. com: http://seattlepi. nwsource. com/othersports/207552_unwrittenrules12. html Thomas, K. , & Hall, G. (2004). How Baseball Works. Toronto CA: Maple Tree Press. Young, G. (2007). Baseball Almanac (Publication. Retrieved July 11, 2007, from Hosting 4 Less: http://www. baseball-almanac. com/index. shtml

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