Monday, December 23, 2019

The Main Causes And Effects On The Arab Spring - 1086 Words

Discuss the key causes and effects 2011 Arabic spring In late 2010, a tidal wave of uprisings and protests in various parts of the Arab world emerged. It began with the Tunisian revolution when the martyr Mahmoud Bouazizi set fire to himself as a result of the deteriorating economic and social. This led to protests and demonstrations that ended with the fall of the ruling regime. In Tunisia which sparked the beginning of revolutions in many Arab countries, this is known as an Arab Spring. The question remains what are the real reasons that led to the Arab Spring and its effects? the causes of the Arabic spring May be varied, depending on the places, however the reasons can be a corruption in economic policies and demand social justice as the key motives and protests in the Arab world. This essay will discuss the most important reasons, and the effects of what is known as the Arab Spring. Civil, economic and social human rights violations were the main reasons behind the outbreak of popular revolutions in the Arab countries. According to Robbins and Jamal (2015) â€Å"The protests associated with the Arab Spring largely centered on issues related to social justice. Demonstrators called for economic, political and human rights, including governments that held to account those who violated these principles.† The people of the Arab Spring were disappointed and frustrated by the social suffering and economic lies. The poor governance, and the monopoly of a wealthy group ofShow MoreRelatedThe Arab Spring And The Middle East1511 Words   |  7 PagesThe Arab Spring refers to the revolts that arose independently and spread through the Arab country in 2011. The origin of these uprisings was in Tunisia late in the year 2010 and spread to other nations in the Arab world like Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. 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One of the best examples of Mubarak’s corruption was the use of emergency law. For his entire almost 30-year reign, Mubarak ruled through emergency law. Under emergency law, Mubarak could censor all publications, search and tap phone, mail, and Internet use, and arrest people without a trial, or through secret trials. (Tristam, 2013) All political meetings also had to be preapproved by him beforeRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Arab Countries1434 Words   |  6 Pagessocial causes and political campaigns, civic participation and interaction between individuals (Scott Jacka, 2011). However, there has been a criticism of the rise in social media, these critics suggest that it needs to be controlled and there should be heave censorship. Nevertheless, despite these conflicting views the social media has contributed to a revolution in the Arab countries by developing the economic growth. This essay aims to explore and examine the use of social media in Arab countries

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thailand Culture Free Essays

FULBRIGHTER’S INTRODUCTION TO THAILAND: ? ADVICE AND COMMENTARY Text: Scott McNabb, College of Education, The University of Iowa ? Commentary: Porntip Kanjananiyot, Executive Director,? Thailand-U. S. Educational Foundation (Fulbright) The following essay has been written to provide orientation thoughts for American scholars who are embarking on a Fulbright assignment in Thailand. We will write a custom essay sample on Thailand Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now I hope that it will provide insights that will help Fulbrighters to understand, appreciate, and engage fully with their academic colleagues and other Thais they will encounter. It is not meant only as a â€Å"survival† guide; our hopes are far greater than that. It is written to help individuals maximize the cross-cultural gift that they have been given—to live and work among the Thai people for a significant period of time. This essay is based on my 19 trips to Thailand which span the period 1968 to 2011, from Peace Corps teaching at Thammasat University through two Fulbrights and multiple other teaching, evaluation and research trips. I have taught International Education and qualitative research classes at The University of Iowa since 1979. In this essay, I will indulge in the kind of generalizations I never allow my students to make. In my classes, I encourage my students to think tentatively and carefully about cross-cultural issues, and make few if any broad conclusions. Here, in the interests of encouraging discussion and giving usable advice, I will risk making general comments about Thai culture. This essay, then, is written less as an academic piece than as a kind of user’s manual. I have asked my colleague and friend Porntip Kanjananiyot to provide commentary from her perspective of being deeply engaged in Thai-American educational exchange work for a number of years. Porntip is currently the Executive Director of the Fulbright program in Thailand. We hope that our discussion back and forth will provide additional insights. ?This article includes advice on language learning, behavior to help you en gage in Thai culture, and some responses to issues that you may well encounter with your Thai colleagues and other Thais whom you get to know. ?Opening Advice and Questions? In general, the more â€Å"out there† you can be—learning the language, trying all kinds of food, engaging with all kinds of people (monks, market people, academics, and so on), learning to joke Thai-style (including making jokes about yourself), taking unwarranted compliments without resisting them too much, and so on—the more you will learn about and appreciate various aspects of the â€Å"Thai view of the world. † The â€Å"authentic† Thailand is surprisingly close physically to the â€Å"tourist† Thailand—it’s just under a bridge or around a corner or down an alley where tourists typically don’ venture. . . r it’s on full display before most tourists typically wake up, like watching the monks make their early morning rounds. Within a relatively short walk from Khaosan Road, the backpacker mecca in Bangkok, there are amulet markets near Thammasat University that are rarely visited by foreigners, where one can ve nture deeply into the spiritual beliefs of the Thai people. Don’t be afraid to wander (within reason) wherever your curiosity takes you. If you are actively searching for something, cultivating the â€Å"treasure hunt mind,† you may well find what you are searching for, or something equally interesting. Or your quest may bring additional questions about the initial â€Å"treasure† you were seeking. For example, if you go to the amulet market in search of a small statue of the Hindu deity Hanuman, you will certainly find many other intriguing deities along the way—all of whom demonstrate incorporation of the Hindu religious figures, and Mahayana Buddhism, in Thai Buddhism. Why is Ganesh so popular in Thailand? Or Kwan Yin (Yao Mae Kuan Im)? With whom are the various deities popular? In many ways, Fulbrighters can benefit from the outlook and skills that qualitative researchers develop; that of the participant observer. You are taking part in the culture that you are trying to understand. PORNTIP COMMENTS: Go out to meet people and you will find that Thai people generally welcome foreigners. Smile with them and show your interest in what they are doing, they will be even friendlier! Learning Thai ?Learn certain basic Thai phrases. Now! Your colleagues may well speak ex cellent English, but once you are out in the markets, you will need to speak some Thai. Plus, it’s fun. Develop a specific working vocabulary in Thai. Figure out what phrases you will need on a daily basis and ask a Thai friend to drill you on the pronunciation and tones until they are second nature. This vocabulary should include greetings, directions, numbers, and foods, among other things. ?Yes, clear pronunciation and tones are important. But they can be overemphasized. Speak with conviction. If you speak tentatively, your phrases will tend to go up at the end, like the inflection we use in English, which will confuse your Thai listener. Speak with your limited vocabulary with an air of confidence and the receiver will have a far better chance of understanding you. They will think that you know more than you actually do, but that’s O. K. You can learn to accept their over-the-top compliments gracefully. Also, your Thai need not be perfect to be understood. We have much to learn from the Thais as â€Å"reviewers† of our mispronunciations and tonal goof-ups, patience we could use in similar interactions at home. The Thais go way past half-way to try to figure out what you are trying to communicate. The fact that you are trying to speak their language is also a clear indication of your cross-cultural sincerity. Thais will often be impressed with your progress because they spend years studying English in school without a great deal of success. Acting things out helps, too. This also works on the cultural level of â€Å"sanuk†Ã¢â‚¬â€you are having fun (and the joke is sort of on you) trying to communicate a specific idea. And when you succeed, it is a cause for joint celebration! Learn these phrases right now:? Kaw bia song kuat (Please bring me two beers) Kaw cowpot moo jon nung (Please bring me a plate of fried rice with pork)? Kaw cowneo maamuang song jon (Please bring me two plates of mango with sticky rice) Some basic food to order: guy young (friend chicken) cowpat moo (fried rice with pork) tom ka guy (coconut soup with chicken) pat thai guy (fried noodles with bean sprouts and chicken) kwitdeo sen yai nua sot (beef noodle soup) kow naa bed (duck with sauce over ric e) ky jiow (Thai-style omelet) kao moo dang (pork with red sauce over rice) dom young gung (spicy shrimp soup). PORNTIP COMMENTS: One way to learn the Thai language could be through food as Thai people love to offer food. When observing that their foreign guests enjoy it, the Thais could feel even more comfortable to talk with them†¦ and naturally, urge the foreigners to have more food! ?Thais also enjoy listening to foreigners speaking Thai†¦. even just a few words because they think the Thai language is very difficult so they feel really impressed. Don’t feel embarrassed if you make mistakes and your Thai friends start laughing. They know the challenges you have to face with the tones. Their laughs simply mean your pronunciation is ‘narak’ (cute). Thai people have patience to listen and try to understand Americans when speaking Thai. American Fulbrighters being in Thailand will be more aware how difficult it is for Thais when they are in the US as quite a number of Americans may not have similar patience. Engaging Thais ?If you want to get below the surface with your Thai friends, engage them on their own terms; choose topics where they can teach you about aspects of Thai culture. Pursue whatever aspects of Thai culture, religion, history (spirit houses? The Sukhothai period? Some aspects of Buddhism like meditation? ). The point is that you will be in their cultural ballpark. They will appreciate your genuine interest, and this will give you an entree into the Thais’ enormous cultural generosity. They will help you meet interesting people, plan field trips, and so on. Just give them the chance. On one of my Fulbright assignments, I was teaching in Nakorn Prathom. I mentioned to a teacher that I would like to visit Praviharn—the controversial Cambodian wat located on the Thai-Cambodian border—on my last weekend with them. My Thai friend had never been there before, either. Despite the initial negative reactions from some of the other faculty (It’s too far—the trip will take too long; it’s too hot. . . ), she organized what was a memorable venture to the famous temple. It was a wonderful culminating event for my time with my Thai colleagues—many of whom wound up going and enjoying the trip despite their initial protestations. PORNTIP COMMENTS: ?Thai people are really hospitable so they could go out of their way to please you. Ask to see their reaction first and wait to see their next move. If they are quiet, it could mean they can’t accommodate your request. Inconsistencies in Thai Culture ?When you are operating in someone else’s culture, inconsistencies seem to abound. This is partly due to the fact that in our own culture, we are too close to things to see what â€Å"don’t make sense,† and our initial observations are relatively superficial in Thailand (you know the most during your first two weeks here; then it starts getting much more complicated), and that, at least in my view, there ARE things that don’t seem consistent here. But of course, that is true in all cultures. Take Thai Massage ?Thai culture in general steers around confrontations; in their view the key in human relations is harmony. The focus is on working things out without anger and keeping a cool heart† (Jai Yen) in all social situations. Thais are raised to make others feel welcome, relaxed, and â€Å"sanuk† (happy). In the West, of course, our funda mental goal is to make OURSELVES satisfied. Simply put, we are more individually oriented, the Thais more communally oriented. So you might think that when it came to massage, the Thais would offer massage that is soothing, relaxing, comforting. Ha! Thai massage aggressively confronts the muscles that are stiff or bunched up with elbows and knuckles and knees—boring in on them until they give up their tightness and relax. Sometimes it hurts. O. K. , often it hurts. Where is all this Thai non-confrontation, avoidance of pain and making the other guy feel good? It goes out the window, as far as I can tell. This feels more like American no pain-no gain to me. Of course, it works. But along the way, the attacks on muscle bundles and the stretches are not all that sanuk (fun, in this context). Of course, the pain is meted out with typical Thai humor and grace. Jep Mai? † (they ask with a chortle). â€Å"Jep Maack† (It hurts a lot) I respond, to more chortles. Yes, no pain no gain. ?The Case of Luang Paw Koon? In general, Thai Buddhist monks live a highly disciplined life. They must live by a total of 224 precepts, which provide strict behavioral rules. Like religious groups in all cultures, a few stray in terms of relationships with women and other sins and are tossed out of their temples. But for the most part scandals are rare and monks are respected for their discipline, dignity and wisdom.? Luang Paw Koon is one of the most popular monks in the country. You often see his picture in the northeast part of Thailand, and frequently in the taxis in Bangkok, many of whose drivers are from the northeast. ?What the pictures show is a smiling monk deliberately flaunting Buddhist conventions, puffing on a cheroot or overtly handling money. He is seated in a squatting position like a northeastern farmer, not cross-legged like a monk. He speaks in the common language of farmers, not in â€Å"proper† Thai.? Why is he so popular? Some Thais respect his rebellion, while still demonstrating the key Buddhist tenets of poverty, integrity, honesty and generosity. Funds given to him are known to go directly to the projects they are given for, most often schools and hospitals. No middlemen. No corruption. I think that is the message of the picture with Luang Paw Koon handling money—â€Å"Your donations are safe with me. I will get your donations to their proper destinations. † Consistency with the principals of a monk’s life? Yes and no. Unconventional? Absolutely. Effective in terms of charity work? This certainly seems to be the case. And a great case for bending the social rules to serve a higher cause. Maybe we all love rebels. PORNTIP COMMENTS:? Treat the inconsistencies as surprises and enjoy the learning experiences! Short Takes– ? Watch Thai TV Watch the soap operas, the variety shows, the shows on the monarchy. Ask lots of questions. Before you criticize, think about The Bachelor and Fox News and Two and a Half Men and other stellar representations of our own culture. Thai soap operas present cultural melodramas where actors confront each other and act in ways one would never see in polite Thai society with its emphasis on decorum and harmony. Is it just entertainment? Cultural wish fulfillment? Ask your friends. ?In general, when things don’t seem to make sense, ask. Find good friends who are absolutely â€Å"culturally-insult proof,† who know that your questions may be clumsy and politically incorrect but that your intentions—to understand things a bit better—are pure. These are the people to ask potentially sensitive questions about the â€Å"Red Shirts† and the â€Å"Yellow Shirts†, and about the monarchy. PORNTIP COMMENTS: ?Soap operas could better your Thai while helping you understand that many times, they don’t reflect the ‘real’ Thai culture. It could be misleading if viewers take it literally to think that Thai women always go after guys, love screaming and yelling plus slapping others’ faces. The way they dress to work is far from being professional either†¦.. as if they went to an evening party even. It may be good to understand that the Thais value ‘riab roi’ and being very proper (far too formal at times). Perhaps Thai soap is something Thais quietly think the society could loosen up a bit. Be discreet when discussing or asking questions about Monarchy as there are lese majeste charges which could be complicated for you to understand fully. The conflicts that seem to separate ‘yellow shirts’ and ‘red shirts’ are not easy to understand either. The suggestion to find a ‘culturally-insult proof’ friend sounds great to get to know more about the monarchy and political conflicts. Small Bits of Advice? Take a zillion showers and guzzle water by the gallon. Keep your body temperature down and your internal system happy. When you feel culture shock coming on, retreat. Take some down time. Listen to your iPod. Watch a favorite movie (it is undoubtedly pirated here). No one should try to tackle a foreign culture 24/7. You will burn out. It’s hot here. And humid. Incredibly humid. And you are constantly on stage. I can’t do one more impromptu speech, explaining who I am and why I am here. It can be exhausting. O. K. , it will be exhausting. Every moment you spend working on your Thai is a move in the right direction culturally. Even the process of learning Thai with your Thai friends has all kinds of cultural learning possibilities.? Take notes of your observations—not for Facebook or to Tweet about so much as for your own record of cultural discovery. You’ll be able to see how far you have come by the end of your Thai adventure.? Remember that part of your job as a Fulbrighter is to play the role of cultural ambassador, representing your country with integrity here and portraying Thailand with fairness and accuracy to your friends back home. ?Learn to bargain. Again, it’s not so much about the result, which is pretty much predetermined, as it is about your participation in the process, and HOW you participate (with a smile and acting out things—â€Å"Oh, man, you’re killing me here! †). Be a good sport Accept the Thais’ overwhelming generosity. They are happy to have you here. We are conditioned to be suspicious of others’ generosity, and it’s a tough assumption to get over.? Sometimes conversations are just exercises in enjoyable social banter, without a â€Å"punch line. † You talk about the weather, family, where you are going. . . just for the sake of the pleasant conversation. In our culture, we are used to seeking the â€Å"point. † ? Develop a short introduction in Thai that explains who you are and why you are here in Thailand. Saying that you are an â€Å"achjan† (a teacher/professor) explains a lot. This will be very helpful, so that people know who you are, how long you will be here, and so on. It puts everyone at ease. ?Never divide up the bill at the restaurant. The most senior person will â€Å"liang. † It’s the Thai cultural law. Hierarchies define the nature of power in relationships in Thailand; royalty over commoners, men over women (women cannot be ordained as monks in Thailand), and age over youth. By the way, the best way to reciprocate in terms of food is to buy candy or fruit to share with your Thai colleagues on your trips together. This is perfectly acceptable, and appreciated. Never assume that your English is being understood by your students. Slow down. Ask them lots of questions. Be patient; Thai students are used to lecture-style classrooms. Tell stories. Keep them with you (on topic). Try to relate your topics to Thailand, Thai applications of things, even if it is a stretch. Joke around a bit. Show that you can â€Å"take† a joke—tell one on yourself. Lighten up and the Thais will appreciate it and your communication will be far better. Over-serious classrooms are over-rated. Always share what you are eating. (That can’t be over-emphasized. Wherever you are living, establish your own little village; people you see and fuss over every day, like the noodle folks, the flower lady, the 7-11 folks, and your favorite night market vendors. The substance of the conversation is not the issue, it’s the attention. Simply remarking on the sweetness of the oranges (waan maach! ) or commenting on the heat (always safe) is fine. With jus t a bit of friendly banter it becomes â€Å"your neighborhood,† a little like Norm walking into â€Å"Cheers. † I have found these simple, smiling conversations are a source of â€Å"friendly energy† I can enjoy every day. Banter begets banter which makes you feel more at home. Get in shape! Many Thai temples are located on the top of hills. And just maintaining your energy levels in this heat takes some oomph. You don’t have to be a Buddhist to appreciate and learn from various aspects of this religion. Remember, the Buddha said that you should only apply the aspects of Buddhism to your life until after you have experimented with them and they seem to make sense to you personally. There is no pressure to believe in an overarching philosophy; just a big, broad display of spiritual and practical ideas to experiment with and learn from. Sort of like the experience of living in Thailand itself. PORNTIP COMMENTS:? Even though the more senior Thais will buy you meals almost every time, you may wish to offer to do it in return once in a while. It might not work but that generous offer will be appreciated. Buying some kanoms or some little gifts to give to the more senior and friends would be a nice gesture to show your thoughtfulness. Thai students love learning by listening so storytelling is the good way to attract their attention and it’s fun while keeping them focused and remember what they’ve heard. It could be difficult to have some deep discussions with quite a number of Thais but don’t lose hope. Sometimes, it’s just because of the language. Other times it could be because Thai people aren’t used to expressing their ideas extensively unless they feel very close to the persons. Having discussions with Thais regularly will also help Thais think and interact faster too. Enjoy learning about Buddhism in a practical way†¦.. by understanding ‘the middle path’, it helps you ponder upon ways to balance your life. Learning how to meditate would simply lead you to have some peaceful moments. How to cite Thailand Culture, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Strategic Leadership Leadership Skills

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Leadership for Leadership Skills. Answer: Introduction: In the assignment, the writer puts an emphasis on the subject of power and influence. The managerial authority requires powerful candidates. Such candidates always want to remain at the helm of the corporate affairs. The diagnostic tools (as discussed below) are the phenomenal one that underscores the potentialities and the business acumen of the corporate level. Based on the three diagnostic tools, I have analysed my cognitive faculties in a broader sense. In the segment, I have used three diagnostic tools such as the Quinn Management questionnaire, the ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) and Situational Leadership Questionnaires. With the help of these diagnostic tools, I have assessed my capacities related to the activities from the past months. The diagnostic tools reflect on my practice and help me identify the indices from the past. Here, I have compared and contrasted the diagnostic tools used in the workshop. The diagnostic tools offer me a brilliant insight into my capacities and cognitive faculties (Montalescot et al., 2013). The Quinn Management Questionnaire shows that certain positive elements are conspicuous in me. It claims that I have a moderate level of leadership qualities and representation skills. The survey report says that I have to work on certain elements that entail positivity in every way. It can make a confident personality and help me hone the managerial skills. The Quinn questionnaire management helps me comprehend the profundity of my managerial knowledge and capacity (Daft Marcic, 2016). I have selected another diagnostic tool i.e. the ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) that help me assess my attitude towards management. The ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) is another diagnostic tool that addresses m capabilities and other skills. From the name, I can understand that the tool will help me comprehend the emotional capacity and my intelligence. Therefore, it forms an amalgamation of emotional and cerebral capacities. It claims that I have a moderate to excellent level of leadership qualities. The added advantage is it shows that I have a good perception and presentation skills. The diagnostic tool states that I can handle the work huddle and listen to my employees with full concentration. At the same time, I can strike a wonderful balance between monitoring the employees and executing the final deal. I do not possess sufficient communication skill for communicating the tasks with the subordinates. With the help of the ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) diagnostic tool, I can exhibi t my specific talents and clarify my orientation towads any particular task. The tool helps me understand my innate qualities and give me a cognizance of my strength and weakness (J. R, 2013). The Situational Leadership Questionnaire is another fundamental diagnostic tool that is helpful. It is highly indispensable for me, as its gives an overarching view of my capacities as a top official or manager in the corporate setting. Like other tools, it addresses the important features of the managers (Chernis Boyatzis, 2013). However, it anticipates that I have the mediator qualities in me. I can be a pacifier and a benevolent employer. I have some inherent generous attributes that I can use in this respect. Such attributes will tilt my approach towards employees. This quality brings out a positive thing in me. I can think about my employees welfare and their safety concerns. Therefore, this diagnostic tool gives me a comprehensive overview of my managerial abilities and functions (Gregoire Arendt, 2014). At the same time, it also develops the quality of faresightedness or visionary. It makes me understand that my workculture approach needs an overhaul. Therefore, the Situatio nal Leadership Questionnaire is the best of all (Smith et al., 2016). Using these diagnostic tools, I am going to reflect light on my experiences in a corporate setting. Earlier, I used to work with a corporate organization that deals in electronic gadgets. In that organization, I used to work as a senior official and represented the Research and Development wing. The organization was an US multinational entity and involves in the manufacture of electronic gadgets. The Research and Development wing of that organization involves the use of many activities and skills. The scientists and the engineers devote their energies to the making of some phenomenal products. These people of the Research and Development wing contribute to the society and culture. A very important role was devolved on my shoulder. In that company, I manifested the managerial section of the development chain. My responsibility was to guide the research assistants and intern scientists. Being a senior official of the organization, I had to execute many functions and supervise the research work of the assistants. However, the main challenge that I countenanced was tackling the work huddle every day. I had to make a blueprint of the future research development (Sanchez Nunez, 2015). At the same time, I inspected the flow of the work that was engineered by the researchers. At the managerial level, one has to deliver many crucial responsibilities. The task of supervision, execution of orders and maintenance of the work culture discipline are the significant features of any top official. These are some of the challenging facets of the organization. In the process, I had to monitor the function and the workflow of variegated employees. Sometime, it was difficult for me to handle the work pressure at the top level. Another important role was to listen to research inquiries and problems. At the same time, one of my prime responsibilities was to mediate between the employees and listen to their grievances. The research organization, as we know, needs disciplined and sincere employees. The researchers have to contribute to the development of the society and culture. My responsibility was to look into the matter in detail and inspect whether they are delivering quality research. In the process, I understood the graveness of the situation. I comprehended that I could not guide the research team in an effective way. At the same time, I could not strike a proper balance between the research leads and the production. My duty was to monitor the research deliverables and determine the power dynamic. In the organization, I was hailed as the supreme head of the Research and Development team. I was greatly responsible towards my research team and the organization simultaneously. However, I failed in my endeavour as I could not tackle my team and administer them properly. In the hindsight, I have come to the realization that my leadership and presentation skills need a complete overhaul. Literature Review: The leadership skill is an important organizational skill that must be possessed by an employee, if he intends to accomplish huge success in future. As a leader, an employee has to assume the role of a team leader, project leader or even a business leader, and hence the employee will be required to exercise his influence over a group of subordinates. Now, in such a situation, if the employee does not possess the skills of power and influence, he is likely to fail as a leader. A leader is required to exercise his power over the employees, showing them the proper direction of work, explaining them the tasks assigned, and influencing them to work harder. While speaking of power and influence, it is not expected that the leader will take undue advantage of his own power, and will terminate the service of an employee. The term power and influence refers to the leadership skill of an employee, that helps him guide and convince his subordinates, encouraging them to work harder for the completion of a project. There are different kinds of power that a leader is expected to use, such as the legitimate power, the coercive power or the reward power. A leader should not only possess the skills of power and influence, but he must necessarily have a clear comprehension of when to use which power skill. For example, if he assigns a complex job to the employees, he must use his reward skill, whereby he can incentivize the employees for offering him sufficient motivation. On the other hand, if the subordinates are unable to accomplish a task effectively, one has to use the coercive power, whereby threatening and punishing the employee, can help th e leader gain sufficient control over the team. The personal influential skills of the leader are of paramount importance, as it enables him to persuade the subordinates to undertake an activity. Leader has the power to motivate its subordinates thereby deriving maximum output from the subordinates.The subordinates must be encourages to work for a task, so as to accomplish the same in an effective way. However, if the subordinates are not being properly guided, encouraged and motivated to pursue the task, it is likely that they will lose their enthusiasm, and may not work with adequate commitment, for the fulfillment of the task. The leader must know how to dictate and command, without being autocratic. The leader should use his power to keep control over his team, and yet he should ensure that his behavior does not affect the employees in a negative way. A leader should be powerful, and his power lies in communicating to his employees, the nature of a task, the strategies to be adopted as well as the benefits of the employees fro m the accomplishment of the task. The concepts of power and influence are quite inter-related. Power is also defined as the potential of a leader to influence his subordinates. Power can be used in a positive way so that it re-enforces positivity in the suboridinates and motivate the employees to achieve the goal. As far as the leadership skill analysis is concerned, I have observed that I am unable to monitor and supervise the activities of the employees. Proper subversion helps in easier accomplishment of goal.Although, I assign the tasks in an effective way, I fail to ensure that the employees are performing the tasks properly. Consequently, it is only at the end, am I able to evaluate the performance of the employees and the status of the task. I am not confident enough to communicate with my subordinates, for the purpose of keeping myself regularly updated with the status of the tasks. I have learnt that I am required to improve my inter-personal communication skills, as it will help me to explain the task to my subordinates, as well as follow up with their course of activities (Hawkins, 2015). As a leader, I can effectively perform the role of a pacifier and I can easily convince my employees to work on a task, and yet because of the composure I possess, I fail to exercise sufficient command over my subordinates. Even if my persuasive skills are unquestionable, I need to develop my commanding skills. I require upgrading some important professional soft skills, such as my intrapersonal communication skills, interpersonal communication skills, reflective and commanding skills that can help me achieve greater success in my future professional life. Besides, by analyzing my professional skills with the help of the diagnostic tools, I also found out that I lack in my administrative skills as well. Any leader should learn the ways of leveraging his power. I should learn to command my subordinates to complete the tasks within the strict deadline, failing which I must employ the use of the coercive power (Schoemaker, Krupp, Howland, 2013). While I am always keen on ensuring that the leadership power is not typically misused by me, I should also ensure that I am capable of exercising authority over my subordinates. I need to develop and leverage power at different levels. For instance, I need to develop my power of charisma, so that my personality or merely my presence can help in influencing the subordinates working under my guidance. Although the diagnostic tools have clearly shown that I can successfully perform the role of a guide in an effective way, I need to develop my skills of exercising my authority over the subordinates. Conclusion: It has been understood from the above discussion that although I possess certain important leadership qualities, I still will be requiring the need of enhancing a few other skills. In order to be an effective leader in future, it is important to chalk out a action plan that can help me comprehend how I can successfully work on my weak areas of leadership skills and knowledge. First of all, the importance of communication is unquestionable in case of a leader, and yet I have discovered my incapability of communicating to my subordinates at regular intervals. However, I fail to influence and persuade my employees to accomplish the tasks, because of the lack of communication skills. Hence, accordingly I will participate in different seminars and workshops that help in developing and improving the communication style of the leader. Besides, I will also participate in various training programs, to upgrade my communication skills. Since I also need to develop my administrative leadership skill, I will also seek the assistance of different professional learning courses. By enrolling myself in the leadership skills developing programs, I will be able to create a vision, communicate the same to the respective subordinates, and accordingly influence them to accomplish the goals. I will definitely avail the professional guidance and assistance of different skill developing institutions, such as Association for Talent Development provide adequate resources that can help one imbibe the important leadership skills. Besides, I think that I should also consider seeking the assistance of different books, articles and journals that can also enlighten me about the ways I can develop my administrative skills. Besides, I will also avail the help of different workshops and conferences for this reason. 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